Who can sponsor? You can sponsor your relative if..
At least 18 years old
A Canadian citizen, a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or a permanent resident living in Canada
If you are a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada when your sponsored relative(s) become(s) a permanent resident.
You can’t sponsor someone if you are a permanent resident living outside Canada
Able to prove that you can provide necessary financial support and can provide for the basic needs of any person you are sponsoring
Relatives who can be Sponsored
Our company will assist you choose the right category for you. Once, a category is selected, we will guide you to complete the documentation at the earliest.
Spouse, Partner and Dependent Children
Parents and Grandparents
Adopted Children
Orphaned close relatives
Other relatives
One of the great objectives of Canadian Immigration is Family reunification.
To find out how to sponsor your relative, book for a consultation session with us.